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Excellent presentation, very qualified instructor"

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It was very informative and interesting. Learned more than I thought I would."

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American Builders & Inspectors Academy

Your Home for North Carolina General Contractor's Continuing Education Courses 

The American Builders & Inspectors Academy is proud to have been selected by the NC LBGC as an approved provider (Provider #0149)  of annual required  Continuing Education for general contractors.

Seyed-Ali Mousavi / American Builders & Inspectors Academy


What Your Colleagues are saying about our Academy CE Courses:


This Provider's CE classes were actually interesting & engaging . He kept me from falling asleep."

" Thanks Ali. I enjoyed your class and will definitely be back next year, or sooner!"

" I appreciate you making the classes enjoyable and getting me through the C.E courses."

" I would like to express my  thanks and appreciation, your wonderful way to do this course."

" Thank you so much for an engaging CE course. It was my first CE and I don't think I'll go anyone else in the future so unfortunately I must inform you that you will be unable to retire anytime soon, lol."

" Very profesional ! follows the Rules and engages the students. Really gifted teacher!"

" Excellent Instructor, Knowledgeable and kept things lively and interesting! Thank You, Ali!" 

                                  Master Beekeeping from Cornell University

Home Inspector and General Contractor


https://americanbuildersinspectorsacademy.wildapricot.org/eventCalendarSeyed-Ali Mousavi / American Builders & Inspectors Academy

NC Instructor #0034

Licensed Home inspector and general contractor

We will be on Billboard in your area soon.Screenshot 2023-01-30 082324.png

* Master Beekeeping , Cornell University (2021-2023)


    These are aproved courses by NC  Licensing Board for                                         2025 to renew for 2026:

                                       For 2025 aproved courses ,


1- Residential Floor Construction ( 4 Hours, Online and In-Person).

         Analyzing Floor System based on Engineering views.

2- Residential Foundation System ( 2 Hours, Online and In-Person).

Analyzing Engineering view points different kind of Foundations and what will happen when foundation blocks are sitting on the edge of Footings. 

3- Roof Ceiling Construction ( 2 Hours, Online and In-Person).

Analyzing Roofing System based on Engineering views.

4- Wood Deck Construction ( 4 Hours, Online and In-Person).

How to calculate Tributary areas and analyzing members based on Engineering views.

5- Closed Crawl Space ( 4 Hours, Online and In-Person).

We evaluate both Vented Crawl Space and Closed Crawl Space so you can share the advantage and disadvantage of each method with your clients.

6- Mandatory 2024 to renew License for 2025.

7- Honeybee-Construction Intersection( 4 Hours, Online and In-Person).

This course is one of the unique course in NC and as a Master Beekeeping from Cornell University , I offer this opportunity to General Contractors to learn how to diagnoise the Honeybees infiltration in the buildings. We are not teaching GCs how to raise bees at all. This course is not meant to be that way. I shared with GCs how to minimize the Honeybees penetration in the construction by learning their method of communications and damages that Honeybees can do to construction.  Honeybees are the most distructive insects in the existing construction after termites. The General Contractors will be familiar with how Honeybees select construction to build their colonies. Sometimes the Honeybees build their hives around junction boxes and ceiling fan wiring and light fixtures wiring. Honeybees communicate with each other with very high frequency sounds which we make General Contractors getting familiar with these type of Honeybees communica  



April 22nd, Tuesday

Get 20% Discount

Reg          $248

Register for only $ 189

Floor Construction ( 4 Hours)

Foundation System ( 2 Hours )

Mandatory 2025 to renew for 2026 Course ( 2 Hours) 

 2025 CE to Renew your License for 2026 .

Lunch on us:

Turkey Sausage patties with Persian spices and Persian Rice with Salad.


Greensboro April 15th, Tuesday :

All You Can eat Buffet !!!

Limited Seats !! 


                                            Online :

                          $49/ 2 hour Mandatory

Choose any Mandatory date and convenient time.

8 hours online  CE courses:

March 28th

1- If you check-in on Thursday March 27th from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm just for a few minutes ,


2- If you check-in on the day of classes Friday March 28th,


Choose any Elective Courses:

2 hours or 4 hours or 6 hours to be able to renew your License for  2026:

If you have any questions Call or Email at:




For Online classes we encourage you to Check-In on one night before classes Online starts just for a few minutes so we can spend more time with those who need help about Zoom connection and computer.  From 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm Window.( Just for a few minutes).

Some courses, we offer about 50% discount if Qualifier check-in one night before Live Online classes  start  just for a few minutes. We offer big discount and we pay the rest in order to have plenty time to help those who have a hard time about zoom and computer connections and need time to be helped either night before during check-in on Zoom or before the classes are starting. If you do not want to take advantage of our huge discount , then you welcome to check-in just before classes are starting next day and register for full registration fees. If you registered for discounted registration Online fees and check-in before classes are started next day, then you will be responsible for difference between discounted fees and full registration Fees.

We Make CE Easy For You!!

The Academy offers in-person  and online live (synchronous) course formats.  Both the annual NCLBGC course (2hrs, mandatory) and electives courses (8 hr and 4hr options) are offered. The registration fees are non refundable or transferrable.

Check out our Course Calendar for locations and dates.

Have  questions?

Please ask us.

American Builders & Inspectors Academy

Mocksville, NC 27028



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